Turn on your freelancer abilities

So have the idea of being a freelancer?

Where to start?


First: Buzz up your name!

There are hundreds and thousands of freelancer around the globe and buyers sometimes just don't know who to choose. A tingly name that would leave the first impression, and once you caught the attention of a buyer, it's then you can do your slicky moves! Instead of using your own name "Joe Smith" why not make it, a little catchy, "the uncanny Joe Smith", or something more than that.
Simple but catchy words to attach to your name, or aliases that could leave an impression to buyer will make the first step for you. But remember make it short and easy to recall. Use this to your websites, blogs, profiles and other places you roam in the internet.

Second: Dress up your portfolio or profiles

If you are into computer graphics or web development and designs, you will have to present yourself with a portfolio, so buyers can rate your skill. On the other hand, freelancers that need not to have portfolios, like administrative support, have a decent presentation of your skills so the buyer will not have a hard time knowing what you can do. This is follow up punch to your jaw-dropping name. Make it a hard punch.

Third: Where to market your self?

Ok, got a killer alias, and knock-out portfolio or profile. So where in the hell will you get your first job?

Lucky for you, if you are still not aware. There are a bunch of websites that connect buyers and freelancers. But, remember, competition here is very tight, so you better work harder than you think.

Here are sites that I personally recommend, because these sites applies protocols that minimize frauds. Here, you can bid for projects, you write cover letters, make your portfolios, pool of projects to choose from and other stuff, perfect for freelancers.

But, remember these sites, gets a cut on your projects, because of their system. You can market your self though if you don't want to cut you income.

  • Set up a website for your portfolio, info about you and contact details.
  • Join forums of your interest, and create a signature with a link to your website, saying you do freelance works.
  • Create cover letters email them to your potential customers, JUST DON'T SPAM!
That is most likely that is the way to do it, market your self and do the work.



There are many ways to make it good in freelance industry. Just focus on you strengths and master it. Once you master a field, start in another and master it again. Make your services wider so you can accept more projects you like. Freelance works in not easy, but you just have to work for it, and could be really really rewarding.

Good luck on your freelance career, and get grasp in this blog to help you.